
Reviews and evaluations

NGA considers reviews and evaluation to be key tools for development effectiveness, accountability, and social and organizational learning.

The team of consultants is devoted to the application of sound ethical and professional standards in review and evaluation methodology and implementation.

The team possesses professional capacities within the following core areas:

Protection and social inclusion: women’s and child protection, ethnic groups, people with disability, life skills development, social inclusion, and environment and climate change.

Community based approaches and governance: methods in community-led development and building effective interface with local governance

Advocacy for Social and Political Change: advocacy strategies, and output and outcome of advocacy activities, including communication for social and political change.

Organizational development and change management processes in NGO sector

Education: formal and informal eduiation (including adult education) and civic education.

Income-generation: value chains and savings/credit activities

Evaluations are generally conducted in accordance with the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. The specific review or evaluation methodology is determined by the nature of the assignment, but it will always include participatory approaches and qualitative; i.e. identifying significant change in people’s knowledge, attitude and practices as well as tracing and understanding the drivers for change.

The team is experienced in conducting MSC workshops, qualitative semi structured (focus) group and individual interviews and questionnaire surveys, including tracer studies.

Link to: Challenges and Dilemmas in Monitoring Advocacy


Contact information  e-mail: info@ngadvice.org   phone: +45 27 11 80 05   +45 23 92 13 40

Photocredit © Jørn Stjerneklar // Mayday Press